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WP Core
Check user first:
wp-cli user list
| ID | user_login | display_name | user_email | user_registered | roles |
| 1 | the-admin | the-admin | | 2023-10-22 20:23:02 | |
Note that NO role is present.
Now check the DB user table:
Now list all existing site roles ( )
wp-cli role list
| name | role |
Note that the whole site does not have roles.
Now add the base roles again ( )
wp-cli role reset administrator author contributor editor subscriber
Restored 61 capabilities to and removed 0 capabilities from 'administrator' role.
Restored 10 capabilities to and removed 0 capabilities from 'author' role.
Restored 5 capabilities to and removed 0 capabilities from 'contributor' role.
Restored 34 capabilities to and removed 0 capabilities from 'editor' role.
Restored 2 capabilities to and removed 0 capabilities from 'subscriber' role.
Success: 5 of 5 roles reset.