403 Comments Disabled
The Varnish VCL firewall is likely causing this issue. Check the response headers and the URL combination to determine the reason. Please send us the URL where the issue occurs and the rules, and we will check if this is a false positive that needs to be resolved. Example (see the block rule rules):
Reset Limit Login Attempts Lockout from Database
UPDATE `wp_options` SET `option_value` = 'a:0:{}' WHERE `option_name` = 'limit_login_lockouts'; Note: Ensure wp_ is the correct prefix; check the wp-config.php file for the prefix. Also see: Enabling Reverse Proxy
After migration, uploads do not work
Empty your upload_path as described in this article. Use this define in the wp-config file: define('UPLOADS', 'wp-content/uploads');
Enable XMLRPC Review the .htaccess file and if there are blocking rules, remove them or comment them out by adding a hash (#) in front of them. Add the following line to wp-config.php: define('MP_NO_DISALLOW_XMLRPC', true);
Purge revisions, but keep the defined amount
This will keep the defined amount. All other instructions merely delete all revisions and/or use SQL … ending up with many orphaned records on other tables. https://github.com/trepmal/wp-revisions-cli
WP-CLI force specific PHP version
If you need to force a different version on a system with multiple PHP versions: user whereis source https://wordpress.stackexchange.com/a/398533/36159
Import a large database
Notes: OR
WP-CLI url domain replace
is Elementor present? Also perform this Source https://developers.elementor.com/docs/cli/
I want to hide your notices
Read how to filter the $is_dismissed boolean here: https://github.com/managedwphosting/developers/blob/master/examples/notices.php