I want to use my own logo for backend notices
Use the filter mp_get_logo
Use the filter mp_get_logo
Getting a 403 response ? Sent us: your _full_ : useragent, IP adress, domain, path. Before you do, check your home directory for managedwp_[date].txt logs. Do note that we block common bot user-agents such as curl or wget. Make sure your user-agent is human readable and unique.
No, it is disabled by default. See the .htaccess file _twice_ for the instructions to enable.
Yes, WP_ENVIRONMENT_TYPE is available on our staging servers, set to 'staging'. Also when you are on a "staging." subdomain -> it is set to 'staging', but only if not set in wp-config via WP_ENVIRONMENT_TYPE
Read how to disable loading the plugins on an AJAX event: https://github.com/managedwphosting/developers/blob/master/examples/ajax.php
No, they might however be present when using cloudlinux
Yes, command is wp as well as wp-cli